Mike Donahue, a Notre Dame West Have alumnus, is a pro at being a Shepherds Mentor. This year Mike celebrated the NDWH graduation of his FOURTH Shepherds student. With that much experience, we asked Mike to share with us what makes him come back each time.
“When your student graduates from high school, you’ll look back on the past four years. It’s a great feeling knowing that your words of encouragement, “You’re doing a good job,” or the motivational effect of asking “What can I do to help you achieve your goals?” helped your student achieve success in high school–a success that directly impacts his or her success in college and in life. Being involved in the Shepherds program is an invaluable experience–for your student and for you.
When invited to become a Shepherds mentor again, it’s an invitation I cannot refuse and am happy to accept. “
Mike is picture here with his student Maicol, ND ’21. Maicol will be attending Fairfield University this fall.