This evening, the entire Shepherds’ community at Notre Dame West Haven High School were to come together to honor the upcoming graduation of four young men: Luis, Damian, Johan and Sukeer. Due to social distancing restrictions, we will not be having those celebrations. However, we are endeavoring to honor our seniors in a way befitting their tremendous accomplishments.
Shepherds is exceptionally proud of these seniors who have come so far since their freshman year – and have robustly completed their education despite the public health challenge. Additionally, the seniors’ families, mentors, financial sponsors and the staff at our partner school, Notre Dame West Haven, should be all be recognized for their efforts to help these young men reach new heights. They say it takes a village – and these young men have many villagers who have been supporting them the past four years.
We look forward to announcing our graduates’ plans for their education in June. Until then, congratulations to the Shepherds’ Notre Dame West Haven Class of 2020! Shepherds hopes you use the gifts of your Notre Dame West Haven education and the Shepherds program to keep reaching new goals. Go forth and do great things!